Ian |
University: Universities of Glasgow and Cambridge. Ian has more than 12 years experience in teaching, Academic Management and Teacher Development. He has taught all forms of English, including Cambridge Exams, TOEFL, IELTS and the like. He has been both Director of Studies and Director of Corporate Language Training for the largest private English provider in the world. Prior to teaching at Tsinghua, Ian taught at the Chinese Peoples Public Security University in Beijing. Ian came to China in 2002, simply because he had lived, worked and travelled in some 15 European countries. His knowledge of cross-cultural issues would be difficult to match. His approach to language learning is that “Communication is key”. 英国籍贯,毕业于英国格拉斯哥大学。Ian老师有着超过12年的教学经验,并且对学术管理以及师资管理有着丰富的经验。在过去的这些年中,他从事过各种各样的英语教学,包括剑桥英语测试,托福考试,雅思考试等等。在来清华工作之前,他曾经在中国人民公安大学执教。 2002年,Ian老师来到了中国,开始了对东方文化的了解。在此之前,他有着丰富的人生阅历---在15个欧洲国家有过游历及工作、生活的经历。 关于语言学习,Ian老师想要和大家分享的是:“交流便是钥匙。在学习的过程中,只要多交流,你便能掌握通向成功的钥匙。” |
一、毕业后工作签证长度更长 ......